Infrastructure Improvements, Needed Vehicles & Long Term Sanctuary Goals
Your contributions will play a crucial role in helping us achieve these objectives.
If you are interested in contributing to any of these capital projects, please contact us at corrine@outsidersfarm.com
1- Big Pigs Barn

Cost: $25,000
The Big Pigs Barn:
This new barn will provide essential shelter and space for our 20+ Big Pigs, ensuring their well-being and comfort in all weather conditions.
This addition to the Sanctuary is not only crucial for the health and safety of our big pig herds, but will also allow us an area to host educational learning sessions, have a designated medical and quarantine stall, and provide a sheltered area for our farm equipment, and storage for hay & feed.
2- Second Feed Vehicle
Cost: $11,000 (new)
Our current single feed vehicle requires servicing and can’t be taken out of use.
An additional feed vehicle will enable us to perform dual care tasks simultaneously, improving our operational efficiency.

We welcome in-kind donations of similar feed vehicles as Kawasaki Mule and Polaris vehicles from individuals and companies.

3- Big Pig Medical Chute
Cost: $22,000
This medical chute is crucial for providing safe and effective medical care to our pigs.
4- Pig Barn Improvements
Cost: $50,000
Includes insulating pig barns, installing awnings, repairing foundations, and combating erosion.
This will enhance the durability and comfort of 15 structures.

5- Fencing
Cost: $50,000
​Clear hazardous trees and under-brushing and fence the remainder of our property and utilize unfenced acreage
This would create more land for the animals to graze, find shade during sunny days, and enhance enrichment.
6- Parking Lot
Cost: $4800
To grade and gravel a parking lot for volunteers and guests, improving accessibility and visitor experience.

We welcome in-kind donations of services such parking lot construction from interested companies.

7- Guest Bathroom
Cost: $25,000
For an ADA-approved guest bathroom, including required septic, plumbing, and electrical work.
We welcome in-kind donations of services such Restroom construction from interested companies.

8- Mini Van - Animal Transports
Cost: $17,000
Our current 2001 van has an inadequate AC system.
A new van will improve climate control during animal transports in Georgia’s summer heat.
We welcome in-kind donations of items such as Mini-vans from interested individuals or companies.

9- Dump Truck
Cost: $10,000
To save on hauling expenses for pumpkins, watermelons, mulch, gravel, and fill dirt.
We welcome in-kind donations of items such as Dump Trucks from interested individuals or companies.
10- Purchase of Used Skid Steer
Cost: $15,000
Acquiring our own skid steer would save us from expensive machinery rental fees for essential farm tasks, such as spreading soil and gravel, clearing and grading land for new barnyards and fencing, and mowing brush and undergrowth.
A skid steer is crucial for various sanctuary projects that necessitate trenching and digging before we can commence the work.

We welcome in-kind donations of items such as Skid Steers from interested individuals or companies.

11- Automatic Watering Towers
Cost: $11,000
With Drinking Post’s Ultimate Watering Post, pigs press their nose to the paddle in an empty bowl. Fresh, clean water instantly fills the bowl with water that is 50*F temperature throughout the year.
This will save us 4-6 hours of manual labor a day just making sure all the animals in our care have fresh, clean, cool water all year round.

12- Shed Debt
Remaining Amount: $18,000
For the Goat Barn & Mini Warehouse/Carport Food Storage.
13- Farm Truck Debt
Remaining Amount: $28,525
2019 Dodge Ram 1500 used to haul feed, transport animals, and pick up donations
Interest Rate: 18.27%
Maturity Date: May 26, 2028
Current Monthly Payment $856.30


14- Creating Jobs in our Rural Neighborhood
Executive Director/Animal Care Manager: $18/hr- 40 Hrs/week w/ health insurance
Facilities Manager: $20/hr- 40 hrs/week with health insurance
Administrative Assistant: $15/hr- part time
Animal Caregivers x 2: $15/hr- 40hrs/week with health insurance
Sanctuary Veterinarian: $60,000/year
Spay & Neuter Surgery Technician: $25,000/year
We are committed to creating jobs in our community with living wages and bringing in needed resources to combat animal suffering and overpopulation. Your support is vital to achieving these goals and making a significant impact.